Platelet – Rich Plasma (PRP)

No side effects – No anesthesia

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections have gained worldwide popularity over the past decade for the treatment of a variety of conditions, from orthopedics to cosmetic medicine. In sexual medicine, PRP is the second method along with low-intensity shock waves, used to regenerate tissues and improve erectile function. Platelet-rich plasma therapy uses high concentrations of growth factors to repair damaged nerves and vessels, therefore to increase blood flow to the penis. The use of combination of different regenerative therapies may provide an additive or synergistic benefit, greater than one therapy alone because of their overlapping mechanisms of action on the penis.

Regenerative Clinic

The technological equipment

The treatment uses the patient's own blood (blood draw). To create platelet-rich plasma, clinicians take a sample of blood from the patient and place it in a special device (the typical/simple centrifuge produces low-quality PRP) that rapidly spins the sample, separating the other blood components from the platelets and concentrating the media in plasma. The device is of major importance as studies have clearly shown that the quality of PRP is determined by the device used for the preparation.

The equipment used at the Regenerative ClinicTM to produce PRP is not the classic centrifuge used at the labs. It is a modern high-tech device that has been approved for the preparation of high-quality PRP by the regulatory authorities in Europe and USA. In particular, the Regenerative ClinicTM uses the unique MagellanTM system of the US company Istobiologics Co. The system has been proven to increase growth factors up to 14 times, optimizing treatment over conventional centrifuges. The special individual kits imported also from the USA are disposable (one/unique for each patient) ensuring maximum safety and effectiveness.


The method

After platelet-rich plasma is generated, PRP is injected into the target area, such as a specific organ (eg penis for patients with erectile dysfunction). The goal is to increase the concentration of specific growth factors in a specific area and to speed up the healing process. Studies have shown that the increased concentration of growth factors in platelet-rich plasma can stimulate or accelerate the healing process, through tissue regeneration.


PRP has shown in clinical studies a significant increase in International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and successful intercourse as shown in the charts. This increase is due to the regenerative effect of the treatment on the tissues.


PRP injection is a low-risk procedure and usually does not cause significant side effects. The procedure involves drawing blood, so you’ll need to make sure you are well hydrated. After the procedure, you may feel mild pain and bruising at the injection site. Because PRP injections are made up of your own cells and plasma, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal compared to other injectable drugs. Since PRP is derived from the patient’s blood, it is not considered a drug, so doctors can prescribe and administer PRP if they believe it is for the benefit of the patient.

Combination of PRP and low-intensity shock waves

Recent studies have shown the beneficial effect of PRP on erectile dysfunction. Especially in combination with low-intensity shock waves, PRP has been shown to increase its effectiveness.

In addition, PRP has been suggested for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease by supporting the healing process of the trauma-related plaque. Experimental studies also indicate the neuroprotective and histoprotective properties of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in bilateral cavernous nerve damage. Neurogenic erectile dysfunction resulting from cavernous nerve (CN) injury is a major complication caused by radical prostatectomy.